Sunday, November 23, 2008

Letter to an Author- 2nd Draft

Dear Ms. Levine,

I can honestly say that I have read Ella Enchanted 31 times. Really, I have. I know, it seems silly. Why read a book more than once or twice? I know the beginning, I know the middle, and of course I know the end... I've practically got the entire book memorized, but I just can't help it.
Every time I read it, I still feel the excitement that I felt the first time, but underneath it, there is another feeling that I can't quite describe. It's like seeing your best friend again after years apart. The characters themselves have become real. Some people might say that I'm a little too old to actually believe that anymore, but I don't think that anyone can ever be too old to believe in something.
It's not just the characters, either. It's the story too. The way that Ella finds the strength overcome the Curse in order to save the ones she loves is very inspiring. I love the way that it is based on the story of Cinderella, but has that twist that makes it its own, and also includes the ideas of self-actualization and empowerment. It's definitely not your typical fairy tale where some brainless damsel in distress is waiting around to be rescued by a sapp named Prince Charming. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how much your book means to me, I've been reading it ever since I was nine years old. Now I'm 15, and the story becomes more powerful everytime. Watch, I'll be 90 and still reading it! I guess that what I'm trying to say is; your book is pure magic- and that never gets old.

I would also like to add that I am not crazy, I just like to read...a lot. Really, what would the world be without books?

Jessica Kaisoum